First Workshop! May 3rd, 7:30pm – Space is Limited
Purpose: To provide information and initial experience to help make a decision about joining a Process Group.
· Understand what happens in a Process Group and the Group Agreement.
· Experience being in a Process Group.
· Increase access to one’s own feelings.
· Develop confidence in expressing feelings.
· Clarify reasons for and against joining a Process Group.
For 30 minutes we will discuss the Group Agreement and each participant will share what they hope to gain from the workshop. For 80 minutes we will be in a Process Group exploring participants’ thoughts and feelings about being in a group and their reactions to the Group Agreement. For the last 10 minutes, we will explore reactions to the workshop as a whole and participants will fill out a feedback form.
Cost is $60 which covers an initial 1-1 interview with the group leader, the Intro to Group Workshop and is a seat-holder for an on-going group. If participant is ambivalent about joining a group, they are welcome to continue coming to workshops at no additional cost.
The first step in attending this workshop is to discuss your interest in Group Therapy with your individual therapist at IPG. If you and your individual therapist agree that it makes sense to explore joining a group at this time, please contact the group leader, Jacob Winkler, LSW to arrange a brief consultation prior to the first group. Email: jwinkler@insightpsychgroup.com
Phone: 804-404-5679.