Wednesdays/Thursdays 7:30pm-9:00pm
What is the Personal Development Group?
The goal of the Personal Development Group is to become more aware of our impact on other people, to better understand ourselves, to discover what holds us back from living a more fulfilling life, and to learn how to have more satisfying relationships.
How does it work?
The Personal Development Group is a space where members are invited to express their immediate, here-and-now thoughts, feelings and reactions towards and about other members including anger, sexual attraction, fear, hurt, and affection. Members learn to access and express their own emotions and to comprehend and respond to the emotions of other people. They discover how they might sabotage relationships and explore how to create and sustain intimacy, to ask for what they need, and to receive it.
The group fee is $60 per week and is not covered by insurance at IPG. Group is not for people in acute crisis or psychosis, active addiction or suicidality. Members who are not currently in individual treatment will be encouraged to pursue individual therapy while they attend group. Members are renting a space in the group and are charged for every session, regardless of attendance.

Jacob Winkler, LCSW, CGP, CAMS-II
Jacob Winkler provides Individual, Family, Couples and Group Therapy at IPG. He received his Master’s in Social Work from Rutgers University and has pursued training at the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, the Center for Group Studies and in Somatic Experiencing. He is a Certified Anger Management Specialist and creator of www.GroupTherapyNJ.com.
Interested in Joining the Group?
Please contact Jacob Winkler, LCSW, CGP to arrange a consultation.
Email: jwinkler@insightpsychgroup.com
Phone: 804-404-5679